Magnum bonbon tubs
Three Magnum 'M stamp' logos in brown, caramel and gold colour, arranged side by side, slighly overlapping each other.
Magnum White Chocolate & Cookies Bon Bon Tub overlaid on a diagonally split colour background in dark brown and cream, reversed colours from the tub, surrounded by cylinder-shaped bite-sized bon bon ice cream popping out of a gold border surrounding the image in a 3-D effect.
Magnum Gold Caramel Billionaire Bon Bon Tub overlaid on a diagonally split colour background in lighter brown and gold doré, reversed colours from the tub, surrounded by cylinder-shaped bite-sized bon bon ice cream popping out of a gold border surrounding the image in a 3-D effect.
Magnum Salted Caramel & Almond Bon Bon Tub overlaid on a diagonally split colour background in light brown and rich orange, reversed colours from the tub, surrounded by cylinder-shaped bite-sized bon bon ice cream popping out of a gold border surrounding the image in a 3-D effect.
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