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Ice Cream Sunday

Beautiful weekends make life pleasurable. Saturdays are for coffee and culture, long lunches and late nights, while Sundays have always been the perfect time to relax, indulge and treat yourself.
We invited fashion and lifestyle writer, stylist and magazine editor Clarice Chian of Brigadeirochoc to talk ice cream, inspiration and secret Sunday indulgence.
Describe your ideal Sunday morning…
My perfect kind of Sunday morning starts slowly with a good lie-in and breakfast in bed. But if I could be anywhere in the world I’d love to wake up on a glorious island in Brazil, looking out over the beach with a refreshing coconut in my hand – idyllic and blissful.

Which chef would you choose to make a delicious brunch?
If I could choose any chef in the world, I’d love it to be Heston Blumenthal or René Redzepi; either would create a mind-blowing experience.
Brunch is one of my favourite meals, but I always struggle to order because I want both savoury and sweet… so if I could, I would order a little of everything, along with not one but two flat whites and possibly a green smoothie as well. I do love my brunches!
You’re known for fashion finds – what’s your perfect weekend outfit?
Why thank you, you’re too kind! During the day I go for casual-chic – a Breton top, jeans and sneakers or Dieppa Restrepo oxfords. If it’s a night out, I change out of my ‘uniform’ and dress up a little, so I pick out a statement piece by one of my favourite designers, such as Chloé or Dries Van Noten, and work an outfit around that piece, pair it with some mid-heels and sling on my favourite bag – a Chanel reissue.

Describe your ultimate Sunday indulgence.
Lounging by the pool in the back garden; or during colder weather, curling up on the sofa with a fashion magazine, enjoying some uninterrupted ‘me’ time. In either setting I would have my favourite Magnum in my hand, which is the Almond Magnum.
Where does the taste take you?
My first bite of Magnum takes me to my favourite special place on the coast of Rio in Brazil, with white sand under my feet and beautiful palm trees along the promenade. Just behind the beach there are these amazing cobblestone streets and brightly painted colonial buildings; you can spend hours exploring, new colours, smells and sounds at every turn.
What luxurious treat would you pair your Magnum with?
My other favourite treats are macarons; it would be amazing pairing those together! I love the texture and the colour of macarons: the pastel colours, the lightness, and the contrast of the airy biscuit with the ganache filling inside – just like how Magnum has the cracking chocolate layer and the creamy ice cream in the centre. I love that.

Describe your dream Magnum - what new flavours would you combine?
My two favourite ice cream flavours growing up in Brazil were ‘milho verde’ and ‘côco queimado’ – corn and toasted coconut. Corn isn’t an ice cream flavour you see often outside of Brazil, but it’s delicious! I have never tried corn with chocolate but would be intrigued to try that combination in a Magnum, and the same with toasted coconut! So I think I would pair corn with white chocolate, and toasted coconut with dark Magnum chocolate.
What would you call your dream Magnum?
‘Corn on the Cob’ and ‘Burnt Coconut’.
People love your style – share a tip for pleasurable moments
It’s easy to get caught up with our hectic lives and trying to fit in as much as we can, but I think it is important to enjoy every moment whenever possible. By being more mindful, I see beauty and interesting details in places I never noticed before, as well as taking more moments of pleasure in ordinary things.
You created Instagram's #macaronmondays. What would you post for #icecreamsundays?
Against a clean white background, three Magnums laid flat in a row (Almond, White and Classic), placed in waffle ice cream cones and a cheeky little bite taken out of each!

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